
Sunday, 12 April 2020

A Rose by another name

Mosaic Monday
Our World Tuesday Graphic

Travel Tuesdays

A nice distraction from our everyday life in lockdown.

Renmark,  South Australia

In October 2019 we  had a short holiday in Renmark, a nice drive from Adelaide.  At that time they had a Rose Festival which also included some Open Gardens as well as many displays in the town centre..  Renmark is also well known as a wine producing area as well as having the beautiful River Murray running through the town.

Renmark is a town in South Australia's rural Riverland area, and is located 254 km northeast of Adelaide, on the banks of the River Murray. The Sturt Highway between Adelaide and Sydney runs through the town; Renmark is the last major town encountered in South Australia when driving this route.

On the road from home to Renmark

Renmark fountain and roses

Bridge opening to let the river traffic through

A houseboat goes under the bridge

Roses, roses and more roses

Camping on the banks of the River Murray on our way home

Linking up with Mosaic Monday~~~~HERE


  1. Nice pictures - I suspect such places will become popular once we can move about again!

    Hope you are well - Stewart M - Melbourne

    1. Stewart M - We booked a few days in Renmark for this years Festival before we left last year but now don't know if we'll be able to go, but once we get the all clear we will definitely be on the road again. Take care.

  2. Thank you. A stunning selection today. Love the fountain, the bridge, the grasses, the ducks, the roses...

    1. EC - Renmark is a great town and we were surprised at how beautiful it was, as we had not been there for a few years and it has grown in those years. Take care.

  3. I don't think I have been there. What a wonderful fountain and a great looking town. The lift bridge is way cool.

    1. Andrew - you'll have to make a trip across the border once you are allowed to as there is a lot to see around the area, and of course the River Murray is one of its main attractions.

  4. Beautiful photos! I love the fountain and the baby ducks. Do you live in your trailer full time?

  5. How nice to get those vacation photos out to share. What beautiful roses! Take care and stay safe this week!

  6. ...I have seen many beautiful images of Australia and would love to visit, but the trip is so long! I will have to enjoy your country through blogs like yours. Thanks for sharing and take care.

    1. Tom - I agree we are a long way away and the thought of a long plane trip is not good, so I am happy to share my photos as we have a lot and I enjoy reminiscing too. Take care.

  7. The fountain was beautiful, and the roses....I can just imagine the wonderful fragrances you must have enjoyed. All of the pictures were wonderful!

  8. Oh my beautiful roses and the fountain I found especially soothing. Water does that to me. We don't have lift bridges here, we have draw bridges. two sides lift in an angle then return flat after the ships pass under. Very cool though.
    Dawn aka Spatulas On Parade

  9. The roses are just beautiful, Rosie. I imagine their scents were gorgeous too. Lovely to see part of our country I haven't been to before. Meg:)

  10. Thanks for the visit to Renmark. I have friend who grew up there but I don't think I've ever seen photos of the area. Love the roses, so many colours. Love the apricoty/pink colour ones. Go well.

    1. Pauline - thanks for your comments. Renmark is very different now to what it used to be. We used to spend a few weeks there at Christmas waterskiing. Then it was a fairly small rural town but now it is a major centre. We loved it back then but it is definitely beautiful and vibrant now. Take care.

  11. So many wonderful images of this wonderful country

    1. Jo-Anne - thanks for your comments and glad you like my photos. I have so many it is hard to decide which ones to post. We are fortunate to live in Australia. Take care.

  12. Oh what a beautiful place that was for a getaway! Travel memories are such a good thing right now. I loved seeing the goose family and the silly pelicans (that is how I always think of those birds). And the beautiful flowers . I saw below that you’d had to cancel a camping trip because of the pandemic ... it IS best to stay home. But we had to leave Florida to get to our real home across the country and it was the weirdest camping trip we’ve ever taken in our many years of camping and RVing. We just drove straight through, stopping only at night and never doing any sightseeing except from the car window! We *never* do that! .... but it was worth it and we are safe at home. Best wishes to you for your health and of course that all this is over soon for all of us.

    1. Sallie - I am so glad you got home safely, even though you had some long days of driving to get there. Home is where we should all be at this time. Thanks for your comments and we will get our camping trip some other time, and we will appreciate it even more then. Take care.

  13. Rosie - how appropriate that you should attend a Rose Festival! It looks like a lovely place for a trip, with many pleasant memories. We are all pulling out pictures from our archives - either because we have no other place to take pictures or to make ourselves feel better or both! Thanks for sharing the distraction with everyone at Mosaic Monday!

    1. Angie - I am enjoying going through my photos, some I haven't looked at for a while. There is not much happening here at home so I need to dig deep. Thanks for your comments. Take care.

  14. Rather like Renmark it's a nice place. We usually stay there if we go that way.
    Thanks for sharing your photos of it and the roses are lovely, they are not out when we've been there.

    1. Margaret D - Renmark is lovely. We stayed at Paringa as we couldn't get into either of the caravan parks in Renmark, but before we left we booked into the Renmark caravan park for 2020, but not sure now if we'll be able to get there. Fingers crossed for October. Take care.

  15. You live near a very beautiful place and what lovely photos ~ thanks ^_^

    Be Well,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

    1. Carol - yes it is very beautiful here in South Australia. We have everything but on a smaller scale, deserts, mountains, rivers and beaches, we are very grateful for it all. Thanks for your comments. Take care.

  16. There are so many places in AU that I would love to see and you just keep showing me more! These are wonderful photos of your trip! I can almost smell the roses, they are gorgeous!!

    Feel free to share at My Corner of the World

    1. Betty NZ - thanks for your comments and I hope you can get here one day, in the meantime I will keep posting photos of some of the places we have been to. We love NZ and have been there a couple of times, but there is so much more we would love to see. Take care.


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