Monday 8 July 2024

Memories of Menzies, Western Australia

 In 2017 we did a trip to Western Australia from Adelaide and one of the many highlights of our trip was visiting some of the small outback towns.

Menzies is a small town in the goldfields area of Western Australia, about 450km East/North East of the capital, Perth.

One of our favourite places was around Menzies so thought I would show you some photos of our trip around there.  We were in WA for about 6 weeks and spent quite a few days in many different areas, but today as I was looking through my photos I decided to show Menzies.  Hope you enjoy them.
Menzies Town Hall

There were interesting sculptures down the main street

Menzies is a small town of about 500 people, and considering it is so small, it had a lot to offer visitors, with a great pub, street sculptures, and some lovely old buildings.

 We drove out to Lake Ballard, a salt lake about 50 km from Menzies.  It was a good drive out there with about half of the drive on dirt road, but a good dirt road.
There are about 50 sculptures on the salt lake

Lake Ballard has about 50 sculptures and is known as the world's largest outdoor art gallery based on local residents and the steel statues are scattered across the 7suare km of the lake.  We walked to quite a few of them.

From Lake Ballard we drove to Niagara Dam, another place we had never heard of in WA.  It was built in 1898 during the goldrush to provide water for the railway but after its lengthy construction it was deemed obsolete as underground water was found nearby in Kookynie.

Beautiful wildflowers out here in the middle of nowhere

The now ghost town of Kookynie

 When we visited Kookynie the hotel was still operating and "Willy" the horse greeted us and luckily we had some apples in our bag so he was very happy to have them.  I think the hotel has now closed after being on the market for a number of years but we were lucky enough to have a drink there and chat to the owner, Margaret, who said she had lived there for about 17 years.

The train going through Kykoonie

The front bar of the Kykoonie Pub

Thanks for visiting, hope you enjoyed some of the Australian outback of Western Australia which is one of my favourite places.


  1. I am envious, I would love to go on that drive. I have always been daunted by the distance to get to WA so have done little travel there, just a few weekend drives in a hire car from Perth.

  2. It is a long drive but we have enjoyed both trips across the Nullarbor and there are many places to stop overnight to break it up, and the scenery is great too, especially the cliffs. We think we probably won't be doing any more long trips as we both have a few health issues and are grateful to have done as much as we have, but it's good to have memories and photos.

  3. Amazing shots, never been to AUS. Would love to visit but armchair visit will have to do for now.
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    1. Thanks for your comment, and glad you enjoyed the photos.


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