
Monday, 6 April 2020

My World Tuesday

Our World Tuesday Graphic

We are keeping our distance and staying home except for food shopping and medical appointments.  I had to go to my doctor's surgery this morning so I thought I would take a few photos on the way there and came back home on a few different streets, so here are My World Tuesday photos.

One of our local coffee shops

  • Torrens Valley Christian Centre formerly Tea Tree Gully Baptist Church

baptistchurch1Tea Tree Gully Baptist Church , 1862

Tea Tree Gully Heritage Museum
Tea Tree Gully Village Green with TTG Hotel in background
 Popular walking tracks

Anstey Hill
 Recreation Park provides a spectacular backdrop of creeks, ridgetops and views of Adelaide city for all to experience and enjoy.

Horses near home

Golf Course

Player Reserve

Player Reserve

Local Garden Centre

Autumn in Tea Tree Gully

I zoomed in on these flowers but don't know their name, could be a lily??


  1. Thank you for taking us with you - and keeping the social distance as well.

    1. It is getting more difficult to find new photos when we are self isolating. I think I was still allowed to do this little detour. I didn't get out of the car.

  2. The drive is what I'm missing since we sheltered in place. NOt because of the isolation order, but because we've had.

    Worth a Thousand Words

    1. I think I was missing the drive too, just a short trip for a doctor's appointment seemed to help. Take care.

  3. Enjoyed your photos on your 'essential' visit out.
    Those flowers, they are a weed and can't remember their name.

    1. The "flowers" were on the side of a hill near us, so probably they are weeds, but I couldn't get a good close up look at them.

  4. Replies
    1. Thanks for your comments. We are lucky to live in a beautiful little suburb.

  5. Great photos - its weird not to see cars or people in the ones you expect to! Love the horses!!

    1. Yes, that's the thing I notice the most, not many cars on the roads.

  6. Thanks for sharing. I enjoy looking at the pictures, and glad you were able to get out. We drive to our city park every day the weather is good to walk. We go early and might see 2 or 3 people but we all keep our distance. I'm thankful the past few days have been warm enough to be outside and no rain.

    1. We try and walk in our park which is only a short walk away. Hopefully we will still be able to walk without too many restrictions.

  7. That's a beautiful way to your doctor ! I had to dig in my archives to find something for our world, due to the lockdown !

  8. If those flowers are a weed, they wouldn't be as hard as most to put up with, would they? I enjoyed the drive, especially the ones Of Tea Tree Gully. There's a little creek on the farm that I call Tea Tree Gully and another area I usually drive through regularly that I call Tea Tree Avenue. Love tea tree! Love the second shot of the horses, too.

    1. Thanks for your comments. Interesting to hear about your Tea Tree Gully.

  9. A post with great photos, that I enjoyed looking at

  10. Our life experiences have been very similar - I too have 2 children, 5 grandchildren and one husband for 49.5 years sofar.
    Social isolation means the family cannot visit so I am relying on blogging for mental stimulation. Many thanks.

    1. Thanks for your comments, it is a difficult time and blogging is one way to keep in touch. Take care.

  11. You are lucky to have such a pleasant drive close by. I particularly like the horses and the trees in the reserve.

  12. Thanks for your comments, now more than ever we appreciate our neighbourhood.


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