
Thursday, 13 February 2020

Isisford, Qld

Our next town to visit was Isisford.

We left Blackall after a couple of days there and headed to Isisford about 120 km away.  The road was a narrow bitumen road and we had to pull off the road onto the dirt when any large B-double trucks approached as there was not room for both of us and they are HUGE. We always let them have right of way as they are working for their living and have deadlines to meet whereas we are on holidays. 

We arrived in Isisford and looked around for a camping spot as there is no caravan park and everyone was set up along the dry riverbed of the Barcoo River.  We found a spot with a bit of shade and set ourselves up.
There were some showers and toilets in another area but we have our own in our van and we also have about 140 litres of water in our tanks so we are able to camp comfortably for about 2-3 days or longer if we are careful with our water use.

The dry Barcoo Riverbed

Next morning we drove out to Oma Waterhole, about 15km.  Every year there is a fishing competition held here and the whole camping area is filled with campers.  We are not fishers and the competition had been held the week before so there were no campers here.  If we had known this we would have camped here as it was a lovely area.

Oma Waterhole

Large bird nest, perhaps an eagle's nest

Sign at Oma waterhole

A large truck on road to Oma

The next day we wandered around Isisford and were surprised to find a really great museum and coffee shop which had many displays of dinosaurs found in the local area.

The Outer Barcoo Interpretive Centre, a museum depicting the evolution of nature from 100 million years ago to the present. The feature attraction is a life-sized replica model of Isisfordia Duncani, who lived around 98 million years ago and was the evolutionary ancestor of all crocodilians that live on earth today.

 There are displays of local fauna, flora, reptiles, birds and fossils that have lived in this region, as well as formation of the Great Artesian Basin and general history of the Isisford area. An audio-visual presentation portrays life in the Isisford area since settlement. The film depicts Isisford as being ‘the middle of everywhere’. The building also houses 60 seat theatrette, cafeteria, local arts and craft displays

Isisfordia duncani

The Isisford bulldog fish, which surfaced from a 100 million year slumber

The large display area in the Outer Barcoo Interpretation Centre in Isisford
Old Bakery in Isisford

Exterior of old Bakery in Isisford

Car Wash in Isisford

Washing down the car
We had a great couple of days here in Isisford, a small town but a lot to see and definitely worth a visit.


  1. Oma Waterhole looks lovely and the town fascinating. Thanks for the introduction.

  2. Looks an interesting town one we have never been to, we've thought of going once but never got there.
    Nice photos of the area.


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