
Sunday, 9 February 2020


Our World Tuesday Graphic

Continuing on from our trips to Queensland in 2013 and 2016, our next town is Blackall.

Sculpture in Blackall - Roly Poly

Eagles nest sculpture in Blackall

Eagles nest  sculpture around Blackall
The Eagles Nest sculpture is really great, it is made of old railway spikes, and timber and bolts and other bits from around the local area and some apparently from an ol bridge.  It is quite large and is one of quite a few fun and interesting sculptures scattered around the town.

Jackie Howe statue
Another lovely bronze  statue  is this one of Jackie Howe with a stud ram and stands in the main street.  Jackie Howe was a champion shearer and in 1892 set the record for  hand shearing 321 sheep in 7 hrs 40 minutes.

Beyond the Black Stump
The Plaque on the Black Stump
 This is a well known saying here in Australia "Beyond the Black Stump".
 This phrase comes from the custom of using a fire-blackened stump of wood as a marker when giving directions to travellers. 
 In more recent times it is just a phrase that we use to describe anywhere in the outback.  

The Barcoo Hotel in Blackall

Another  Major Mitchell plaque just out of Blackall

The inscriptioon on the Major Mitchell  plaque

Dry countryside around Blackall

Blackall welcome sign

The Information Centre

Our caravan at Blackall

Blackall Wool Scour

The Blackall Wool Scour operated from 1908 to 1978.  The wool scour is a wool washing plant operated by steam and is the only one left in Australia.  The wool scour is now a tourist attraction and is open from May to August as a working wool washing plant running on steam from water in the nearby artesian bore. 
Blackall Wool Scour - artesian bore

The 20 stand shearing shed

A lovely old Queenslander


  1. Love those sculptures.
    The eagle one is quite similar to Nest which features at the Arboretum in Canberra.

    1. The eagle nest sculpture was my favourite, will have to check out the Canberra one when we go there - another trip will have to be planned.

  2. I love these sculptures, especially the ram. Amazing to think he sheared so many in such a short time.

    1. Yes, Jackie Howe was famous and must have been a very tough man to have sheared so many sheep.

  3. One bloody great photo after another, what an awesome place

    1. We enjoy looking around these outback towns as it is surprising how many interesting things there are to see.

  4. Great to catch-up on Blackall can remember a few things. Your photos are good and bring back nice memories.

  5. The photos are great to have and I enjoy sharing them.

  6. Really cool installation art.
    Happy Exploring, Rosie. :)


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