Sunday, 8 December 2019

NZ Cruise - Tauranga

My diary from our trip in March 2019

Day 9 of our cruise and we arrived at 9.30 am so we had a leisurely breakfast and then walked along the foreshore and into Mt. Manganui.  It was a beautiful morning with sunshine and a perfect day for a walk but we are not good at climbing so we didn't climb the mountain but quite a few of the cruisers did the climb.

Mount Manganui from the port where we were berthed

Another view of the Mount

The walk along the foreshore

Sign on a shop front

The walk along the foreshore was enjoyable and afterwards we found our way into the small town of Manganui where I bought a few souvenirs and a gift for my friend for her birthday.

We then caught the local bus into Tauranga and had another walk around the town but I was getting a bit tired and sore so we sat for a while enjoying a drink and a bit of people watching.
Mural on a wall in Tauranga
I couldn't work out what this mural was about but I will have to look at it more closely but there was a lot of work put into it and the black/white theme was striking.  It was in a side alley and probably not seen by many tourists.

Time for a rest in Tauranga




We then caught the bus back to Mt Manganui and back on the ship for drinks with our friends

Linking with:

Travel Tuesday


  1. What a coincidence that your post on Tauranga appears today. Thank heavens you weren't on the ship that is berthed there today mourning the loss of all those poor people on White Island. Looks like a lovely day when you were there.

  2. How interesting, reading this made me think of the volvano eruption on White Island

    1. Yes, thankful when we were there we didn't have any tragedies. The White Island tragedy is very sad and I think everyone is very upset by the news reports. Our thoughts are with them.

  3. I just finished catching up with your posts. What a wonderful cruise you are having with a nice train ride too. I was taken back at the heading as I immediately hoped you were not near the volcano eruption. So relieved to here you were not. I would love to visit NZ!

    1. Our cruise to NZ was in 2018 and I don't recall the volcano excursion being available on our cruise but I probably would not have gone as I am not comfortable walking long distances and on uneven surfaces. Excursions are often difficult to know how safe they would be as you are not always given much information and when on holidays we often do things we would not normally do.

  4. I'm glad you are enjoying your time in New Zealand!

    Thanks for taking the time to link up at 'My Corner of the World' this week!

    My Corner of the World

  5. I've never been on a cruise - these pictures look good.

    Cheers - Stewart M - Paris, France


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