
Sunday, 22 March 2020

Mosaic Monday

Pemberton, Western Australia

Virtual Travel

No words, just ENJOY!

Mosaic Monday

Margaret River, Western Australia

South Australia
 Elliston is a small coastal town in the Australian state of South Australia on the west coast of Eyre Peninsula 169 km northwest of Port Lincoln and 641 km west of Adelaide

Snowy Mountains, New South Wales
 You'll find Delaneys Hut just off the Snowy Mountains Highway high up in the mountains in south New South Wales.

Delaney's Hut was destroyed in the 2020 fires.

York,  Western Australia
Flinders Ranges, South Australia

Marree, South Australia
Marree (formerly Hergott Springs) is a small town located in the north of South Australia. It lies 589 kilometres (366 mi) North of Adelaide at the junction of the Oodnadatta Track and the Birdsville Track, 49 metres (161 ft) above sea level.[10] Marree is an important service centre for the large sheep and cattle stations in northeast South Australia as well as a stopover destination for tourists traveling along the Birdsville or Oodnadatta Tracks.

Caurnamont, River Murray, South Australia


  1. Thank you.
    We live in a truly beautiful country.

    1. EC- yes we are very lucky to live here and to have travelled to many parts. Take care.

  2. Rosie - welcome back to Mosaic Monday! We have missed you. The diversity of your country is truly stunning. I still hope to visit some day. So sad to hear that the Hut was destroyed in the fires. Hope all is well where you are. Good health to you!

  3. Hey, they named a river after me. Looks like a great area to RV. We left ours in Tucson, Arizona, and will return when it is safe to travel again. - Margy

    1. It is a beautiful area! When we are allowed to travel again we think we will go back and see more. Stay safe. Thanks for your comments.

  4. Lovely collection of photos there Rosie.
    All the borders are closed now! Good thing.

    1. Margaret - we are isolating at home so I have been going through my photos and its been very enjoyable too, but we are looking forward to travelling again some time. It is good that the borders are closed as I think it will help to keep things under control. Stay safe.

  5. The river views sure look beautiful in your mosaics! Nice to see photos from across the globe! Stay healthy! Hugs from Florida!

    1. LD - Our River Murray is a beautiful river and the longest in Australia. Thanks for your comments. We are self isolating at home so have time to read more blogs. Thanks and take care.

  6. Rosie - I loved the pictures in today's post. It really increases my desire to visit Australia someday.
    I am finally catching up with everyone's posts and getting back to commenting on a regular basis. You are a wonderful, talented artist. They are really beautiful.
    We are so thankful to be back in our little hometown where we feel safer than we did when traveling, however, we seem to hear of a case every other day or so of someone in our area contracting it. We are being extremely careful and have not been around anyone since returning, except my cousin, and we remained more than the 6' recommended distancing from him. My concern is being back in the everyday world. Are people being as careful as they should? I was able to order most of our grocery items online at a Walmart 30 miles away (the only one closer didn't have most of what I needed). We can't pick it up until tomorrow afternoon at 4, but I'll make do until then. Be safe!

    1. Cheri, thanks for your kind comments. I really enjoy painting and now I have more time as we are at home in self isolation. I agree that now is the time to be home. It seems that people all over the world are having to do the same, and not everyone is as responsible as they should be but that is human nature I guess. Take care.

  7. So much beauty and diversity in Australia.
    Be safe!
    Dawn aka Spatulas On Parade

  8. Replies
    1. Jo-Anne, thanks for your comments and I hope you and your family stay well.

  9. Hi Rosie. I’m a first time visitor and glad to be here! Your scenery mosaics are beautiful... I love learning (from your sidebar) that you are caravaners. We are too (RVers in our not quite the same language,lol, but I’m sure you already knew that). It would be a dream trip f we could RV in your country, but I think that’s one dream we won’t realize at this stage (we are great-grandparents of far so you know our age bracket is, although we don’t feel it, rather on the high side! ). I will come back as soon as I can and read some of your older posts...I know I’ll enjoy reading about your travels . ... I’m so glad I returned your visit to mine ....thank you !!

    1. Sallie - thanks for your comments and I am happy you are visiting my blog/s and hope you continue to read them although I don't always post regularly. We are lucky to have travelled to many places in our caravan and will do so again once our borders are open but we are getting older too and the really long trips are too much for us. Stay safe.


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