
Wednesday, 4 March 2020

Mary Kathleen, Qld

On the road again, this time to Mary Kathleen, a ghost town, and previously a uranium mining town.

Camping at Mary Kathleen town site

Lovely trees near our camp area

Some of the remains of the town

The buildings are gone

We wanted to see the dam but the track up was too rough for us, as we had our van  on.  We attempted the rocky track for a few kilometres but after talking to another traveller on the road, who had experience on this track, we decided to abandon this idea and turned around and headed back to the camping area at the old town site.  On our way back we got stuck at the creek crossing as there was a large drop-off of concrete which prevented us from crossing so once again we had to reverse out and in the process we discovered water leaking out from the van.  On entering the van we had water everywhere inside, what a mess, so on closer inspection we found that the board that covered the kitchen sink had bounced up on the rough road and hit the flickmixer tap and turned it on.  Once we turned the water off we were able to put a few old towels down on the floor to mop up temporarily as we were still in the middle of the track.  We then drove onto a different track and found our way to the camping area at Mary Kathleen town site.

Lovely area to camp at Mary Kathleen town site

This was a very large and  beautiful area with quite a few vans set up among the trees, but we didn't venture far in as we needed to get our van sorted out as soon as possible so we set up quickly and got all the water mopped up, emptied cupboards and dried everything before any damage was done.  Fortunately it was a lovely warm day with a good breeze so everything dried quickly and we were able to get the van back to normal by nightfall.

  We were just happy that we noticed the water practically as soon as it happened so no damage was done but it was a lot of work cleaning up and it must have looked interesting to the other campers.
Drying out 

Next morning we had the cattle wandering through

Part of the track that did the damage, this was the better part!


  1. I don't think I have seen a town so comprehensively deserted before. Usually the buildings stay and slowly collapse.
    How lucky that you noticed the water issue before it became catastrophic.

  2. this way of travel seems like a lot of fun. I have never camp in my life :(.


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