
Monday, 29 April 2019

Mosaic Monday #25

Pemberton, Western Australia
Linked to Mosaic Monday In 2017 we left Adelaide and crossed the Nullabor to Western Australia.

Today on Mosaic Monday I am sharing some photos of the southern area of Western Australia.

Pemberton, Western Australia 

Pemberton is a small town in the south west region of WA.  The tourist railway is a private organisation mainly operated by volunteers and takes passengers through the karri forests.  The railway tram goes through the forest for 10 km and we were given a commentary on the history of the area.

Valley of the Giants Tree Top Walk, Walpole, WA

Valley of the Giants Tree Top Walk, WA

The Tree Top Walk is 40 meters above the forest floor,  the amaazing Tingle forest which are among the world's largest trees.  The giant Eucalypts are found nowhere else in Australia.


  1. How amazing! It would be my dream to travel in a train. I am always trying to find a train trip to hope for! Love your photos today! Perfect for MM!

    1. Thanks for your comment. We try to ride the small trains when we can, and especially the steam trains as they are a lot of fun. I will post some more train rides in future posts.

  2. Thanks for all those wonderful photos some awesome scenery there.

    1. The scenery in the south of Western Australia is awesome, and we enjoyed the Giant Tree Walk except that I had twisted my knee the day before so Ron had to wheel me in a wheelchair!!

  3. What a fabulous trip and thanks for sharing! We love riding trains--you see different things than on the road. The TreeTop Walk looks like something I would love to see!

    1. Thanks for commenting, we love to take a train ride when we can. There was a great one in NZ that we did in March in the Taieri Gorge.

  4. Rosie - two very different and wonderful adventures. I must say, the bridge for the train looks a little rickety? The tree top platform, on the other hand, is a master of engineering and would help me get over a small fear of heights to be able to view the tingle trees from such a perspective! Thanks for sharing with Mosaic Monday!


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