
Monday, 11 February 2019


Another Tuesday has arrived and  here in Adelaide at last we have a cool day and even some rain, we are excited!
There has been devastating flooding in Queensland, droughts in South Australia and NSW and bushfires in Tasmania.
Australia is a big country and it is good to see that people come together to help each other through the hard times.
Let's hope that Autumn will bring some relief to the farmers.

Our World Tuesday

Our World Tuesday Graphic
Our World Tuesday

Here are some photos taken while travelling in Australia ... droughts and floods and good times too.

Silo Art in Ravensthorpe, Western Australia

Silo Art, Weethalle, New South Wales, Australia

1948 FX Holden

Mingary, South Australia
Flooding in Nyngan in 2016

Arno's Wall, Winton, Queensland

Poem by Dorothea  MacKellar

Most children in Australia learnt this poem  as part of our English lesson but I'm not sure that they still do, but in the 1950's certainly  we were able to  recite it and  it is still a favourite of mine.

The third child and only daughter of physician and parliamentarian Sir Charles Mackellar and his wife Marion MacKellar (née Buckland), the daughter of Thomas Buckland, she w as born in the family home Dunara at Point Piper, Sydney, Australia in 1885. (wikipedia)

Our World Tuesday


  1. Very nice pics to illustrate your travels. I like it.

    1. Thank you, we have been able to see a lot of Australia since our retirement.

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks for your comment. We are hoping to do a silo art trip later in the year. There is a trail to follow for most of the silos, and many more are being painted so it might take us a long time.

  3. I love the silo art!
    You are in summer and we are in winter. Drought and floods vs. blizzards and subzero temps. ;)
    Thanks for the blog visit. :)

    1. Thanks for your comments Rita. The weather is what it is I guess and we just have to deal with it, but the extremes are a bit tough on everyone.

  4. Hello Rosie,
    Lovely photos and of course I recognise a few - especially the Broome one.
    Fires hopefully finished here in Tasmania and a long spell of warm weather and rain helped the last few days put the fires out...

    1. Thanks, Broome is one of my favourite places too. I do hope the fires didn't come too close to you, although any fires are too close!


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