
Monday, 24 December 2018

Merry Christmas 2018

Flowering Gum - in time for Christmas

It's a bit different here Downunder at Christmas, no snow, just lovely blue skies and high temperatures and I love it.
I think we have been inundated with too many movies and television programmes about white christmases which I would love to experience, but in reality our Christmas here in Australia is way different.  Many people still do a hot dinner with pudding but I think it is way too hot for cooking on the day so I usually cook a variety of meats on Christmas Eve, and we have them cold with salads.  I sometimes do an icecream Christmas pudding and always have pavlova and a fresh fruit salad and icecream.
We are having a very quiet Christmas Day this year but will have all the family here on Boxing Day.  It will be very different from most of my Christmases and it has taken me a while to get used to the idea of not having the family here but on the positive side I will be able to sit and relax and perhaps even have a "nanna nap" after lunch before going to our daughter's for tea.
Wishing you all a Merry Christmas and hope you can spend it with those that you love and if not, then I  hope you are able to enjoy the day doing what you love.

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